ozy clint, Ouch, not the Canadian Government again? They ruined my hunt to Anticosti Island in August of 97. I got accused of all kinds of things by the silly guy at immigration, working without a work permit, drug smuggling, being a liar, and a few other things.
They had initially asked me where I was from which I stated Arkansas, then they found my drivers license which was Key West Florida and everybody knows we are all drug smugglers, yea right, guess they never heard of Salt Water Fly Fishing. When confronted as a drug dealer with 0 evidence other than having a Florida Drivers License I told the idiots, I'm from Arkansas, I live in Florida, check my passport as it clearly says where I was born.
I also had a box of Archery information (All provided for free by the Arkansas Game and Fish) for Canadian guys that were interested to deer hunt Arkansas in December/January as one cannot even draw a bow outside in the weather up there at that time. Thats where the "No Work Permit" allegation came from.
The bottom line was it cost me thousands of dollars and I never got to go hunting on Anticosti Island as I had planned. I was told with a finger pointing in my face that I was not welcome in Canada by a uniformed officer and ungracefully sent packing.
I do have some great Canadian friends and some people did offer to fix things with the Gov so I could come hunting but it was way to late for me, so many years later It still makes me angry to think about.