I just want to say Happy 4th of July and be safe, and to thank all the Mods for a wonderful site and keeping it that way,also, I would like to Thank all the Trad gangers with years more trad archery and trad bowhunting experience that I have learned a ton of stuff from over the past couple years, I only wish that I knew about this site from the begining and I would be advanced farther along!! I'm forever a student of trad archery and bowhunting and have been since the age of 8 years old! I didn't have anyone to turn to to learn from back in 1967,only what I could find to read!!! Most everything I learned was from trial and error,But kept at it as This is my love and who I am!!! So A Huge Thank You to all!! Keep up the great work,even if some of our questions like a broken record and/or sometimes a little silly!! Thanks Again! Jim