You very well may be right however,
I have always considered your first bow to be a "Straight Grip" and the second a "Locator Style". I have always considerd a grip similar to the one's found on Griffins and Shrews to be "Low grip" style's, And would consider the one shown on the bear bow as pretty representave of a Medium grip. Normally, a bow with a High Grip will be one with a exagerated high palm area with a deep throat that the web of the thumb and forefinger just slides into. This type grip really forces the wrist to stay in the same 'plane' as the forearm when drawing and shooting.
I'm not questing your definations at all, and may be "all wet" in my descriptions, and if so, I'm Very Appreceptive of correction.
Just my 2 cents.
Sure wish I knew how to post pictures as that would have probably helped.