Well the Millenium Tree Seat (M300) came in the mail and it is now fully set up, on a ridge with a slight incline overlooking a 10ft drop off on a well used deer trail. I put up two pieces of blind material for a back drop, locked the seat to the tree and threw a bike lock on it for anti-theft and cleared a 6 foot area of leaves for my feet.
This is one of several set ups that I have on this property, and I think it will prove fatal. Took 2 bucks last year within 25 yards of this spot..
As for the seat; it is lightweight, well-made, sturdy, and incredibly comfortable. Additionally, it is great for any incline or decline as you can easily level it out and put it as high or low to the ground as you like. For $69 and free shipping from LL Bean, this is hard to beat. I might buy 2 or 3 more.

My buddy posing: