Black bear attacks (fatal) are on the increase. One of the attacks I read about, the pepper spray slowed him down momentarily but they ended up having to shoot it anyway. (Botanists accompanied by a game warden I believe was the story).
The following is an excerpt
by Lynn L. Rogers, PhD - provided by the Wildlife Research Institute:
"Black bears sometimes kill each other by throwing opponents out of trees. The bear below has the advantage because the one above cannot easily hang on and face downward to fight back. The bear below seems so confident of its advantage that mothers have even come up trees after people who thought climbing was prudent.
Offensive attacks include all the killings by black bears. These are generally unprovoked, predatory attacks. Most victims were eaten. Offensive, predatory attacks have almost always been in remote areas where the bears had little or no previous contact with people. Black bears that raid campgrounds or garbage cans are almost never involved.
Although black bear attacks are rare and most victims come out unscathed, this does not negate the fact that black bear attacks do happen and are sometimes fatal. Since 1900, there have been only 45-recorded deaths that were caused by black bears in the North America. This number is very minimal compared to the over 500 conflicts between black bears and humans from 1960 to 1980. Black bear attacks are much more common in the United States than are grizzly bear attacks. The main reason for the difference is the population size of each species. There are approximately 300,000 black bears in the continental United States, whereas there are only about 2000-3000 grizzlies still remaining in the lower 48 states. The larger population of black bears greatly increases the probability of encountering one in the wild."
I like to hunt them and I confess that I don't carry pepper spray when I do. Treat them with respect that's all. I read where it's the black bear that approaches you calmly, without hesitation from the front, that is the one to worry about. I had one come in like that and he proceeded to chase everything out that tried to come in, including at least one other bear! Needless to say I am glad I made a good shot-he went maybe 10 yards from the shot and now hangs on my den wall! :D
Take care.