Hey everybody,
Here is a link to some pictures of kids at the archery range at the Cove Church Extreme Sports Camp last week in Mooresville, NC.
http://s436.photobucket.com/albums/qq81/ballen28115/Cove%20Church%20Archery%20Summer%202009/ I know, I know, they are shooting wheelie bows, but in my experience, the Mathews Genesis is a great bow to teach kids with and ignite that spark for our sport. Besides, I was able to rent 12 bows, arrows, quivers, arm guards and tabs for 125 bucks plus freight.
We had 120 kids get an introduction to the sport, and to balance out the compounds, I had a really snaky osage self bow that I shot for the kids. I had two Eagle Scout candidates and a friend helping me out at the range and we were able to handle 10 shooters at the line pretty well. The kids shot at standard FITA targets at 8 yards and shot pretty well. Out of the 1500 shots I calculated were taken, we lost 1 arrow.