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Author Topic: What LANSKY Hones Do You Use and Have??  (Read 435 times)

Offline Nala

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What LANSKY Hones Do You Use and Have??
« on: August 20, 2009, 04:57:00 AM »
Hey all,

I just watched the video in the other thread about correctly using the Lansky system.  Good Video.  I have the system but never have been able to get a really razor type edge.  Maybe I haven't been paying attention well enough while using it.  I'll get it right from now on.

I bought my Lansky as a kit with 3 hones, the RED, BLUE and GREEN.  It is just the BASIC kit.  In the video the last hone the user ended up with was the YELLOW, Ultra Fine.  I have been meaning to pick up the other hones that I need, but before I buy any I wanted to ask and see what one you all are using and have had good luck with.

Should I pick up the YELLOW Ultra Fine or the Light BLUE SAPPHIRE Ultra Fine?  What about the DIAMOND Ultra Fine?  What is the best one to use last to get that RAZOR edge on your blades?

Also I have a couple of serrated knives and Lansky does have a serrated blade hone, 2 of them in fact.  They have a tan, fine version and another Maroon, Ultra Fine.  My box is only so big and those Serrated Hones are expensive.  What should I get to sharpenmy serrated blades?

Other than the Lansky I have heard of some people having a flat diamond type stone or a Diamond Stick to put that final-FINAL edge on your blade.  Is this something you do or would recommend?  If so, what do you use or recommend in addition to the Lansky?

Thanks for the time and help.


Offline Bobby Urban

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Re: What LANSKY Hones Do You Use and Have??
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2009, 07:28:00 AM »
Lansky is good bt if you are replacing or buying new stones get Gatco diamond stones.  They work in the Lansky clamp but are larger and better built IMO.  The rod is integral and if you get a Gatco medium diamond hone you can pretty much do it all.  Use water as a lubricant and keep dipping the stone or work over the sink.  It takes metal off quickly and will have the blade, broadhead down to the edge angle you want in a hurry.  Then just lighten up on the stone and it puts a fine edge on.  If you want better than that go to your Lansky fine stone but I find it unecessary.  The Gatco stone lasts me quite a while before I need to replace it and the old stone becomes a great "Fine" stone for future use.  Most important with the system is making sure you have the angle cut to the edge on both sides and a diamond stone is almost imperative for this. Even with the course regular stone you will be working for some time trying to set the original edge and wearing out a lot of stones.  After the edge is set the first time is takes very little effort to touch up the blades to razor sharpness after use.  use a sharpie marker on the blade edge if you have trouble seeing the edge is perfect.
Bob Urban

Offline JT- Up North

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Re: What LANSKY Hones Do You Use and Have??
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2009, 08:52:00 AM »
Anybody have a link to the thread....I've been using the Lanskey for my Zwickeys for years. But I know its only been a year since I sharpened them, I cant remember what angle to use, it was either 20 degrees or 25.

Offline Nala

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Re: What LANSKY Hones Do You Use and Have??
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2009, 10:36:00 AM »
In the video he recommends 20 degrees.

The videos are in the thread about "File Sharpening Frustration."



Offline newtradgreenwood

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Re: What LANSKY Hones Do You Use and Have??
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2009, 08:36:00 AM »
Get the extracourse and any of the ultra-fines you mentioned above.  You need the ultr-fine to get the fine razor edge.  The extra course is the best when you have a nick, need to change a bevel a little, or to establish the edge if you have very hard steel.

Offline xtrema312

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Re: What LANSKY Hones Do You Use and Have??
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2009, 09:26:00 AM »
I went with Gatco diamond stones. The course really takes down changes in angles and nicks. The medium will do a lot.  The fine really puts a nice edge on.  I have only used if for knives so far.  I just got back into trad a while ago.  I am just getting ready to need to sharpen cut on contact BH's so I don't know for sure how I will do on them, but I think the fine diamond will do a nice job. I like the wide diamond stones, and I use all sweeping strokes down the edge.  I am not sure yet if into the edge or away from the edge is best for BH’s on the final step.
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Offline UrsusNil

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Re: What LANSKY Hones Do You Use and Have??
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2009, 09:37:00 AM »
I have the Gatco system and recommend using the ultra fine. The 25 degree angle seems to work with the 2-blade Zwickeys, and it does take some effort to establish that angle on a new broadhead. As in the video, use a magic marker to keep track of your progress and it will get there. After sharpening the head with the Gatco I've been finishing them up with ceramic sticks, also at a 25 degree angle. When using the sticks VERY LIGHTLY drag the broadhead across the stick and it will get them insanely sharp!

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