I'm sure this will come off as "mushy"....lol. But the low temps in NC this morning got my mind in a different frame, this morning.
Sold the wheelies and went through a few trads, only to settle for the bow I think I'll shoot the rest of my hunting days. I could NOT be happier OR have more anticipation than I currently have.
I wanted to thank everyone here for fielding and offering advice that's been INVALUABLE in my being where I'm at. I'm 100% confident that I'm ready.
I finally feel a part of this incredible fraternity. You guys made that easy. I can't thank you all enough, for that. You're the most accepting (going above and beyond the call) group I've ever been a part of. Thanks.
I'm looking forward to joining the "other" fraternity, also (the "Sitting behind your trophy.....recurve across his/her chest" crew). It'll be "ours".
Cool AM temps make one reflect. I'll forever be grateful for your (collectively) having straightened out the learning curve.
I'm ready....and I wish you all success.