alex o, Bare shaft tuning will get you close while paper tuning will show you exactly what the arrow is doing when it leaves the bow. All you need is something to hold the paper in front of you, about 6 to 10 feet in front of the bow. Jeff and I cut a square, out of a card board box, slightly smaller than a sheet of copier paper. Then cut the back out of the box so it would not interfer with the flight of the arrow. Tape the paper to the front and set the box on saw bucks so it was about chest high. Put a target bail behind the box far enough away for the arrow to clear the paper and still have enough room to pull the arrow without disrupting the paper. Shoot through the paper and look at the tear. Adjust the same as you would bare shafting. Bare shafting, you can only adjust what you see when the arrow is flying through the air. Paper tuning, you adjust according to the results you have in front of you that you are able to analize.