Am going to start my first efforts in tuning arrows to my bow. Where should the nock point begin and does the arrow sit ontop of the point or below it. Should I set initial brace at a fistmel. When reducing length how much should I reduce it by each time. The arrows I have now are hellical fletched, however I don't have a hellical jig so was going to fletch off set. This is for the bare shafts after I have them tuned, will this affect the tune of the set up. I am using 2315's and a 55# bear grizzly with 125gr tips. I have a couple of 175gr broadheads so what would I have to do to get them tuned. I was thinking of using some other arrows for them. Not sure yet.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated. I have O. L. Adcocks writup on tuning and was going to start with that.