Here's one that salvaged an almost bust season for me in late December. Please read, it's one of my best hunting stories.
When preparing to exit your tree stand, and you've lowered your weapon to the ground with your hoist line... DONT drop the other end of the line assuming you will simply roll it up when you get down there. Keep it attached to your belt until your all the way down.
It had been a long hunt. In my stand pre-dawn, now 2 pm, and I had no lunch, very hungry, no deer, gotta go. I had de-chambered and lowered my gun to the ground and nearly dropped the cord assuming it would be of no more use, I was obviously done hunting. Something inside said "no, clip the hoist line to your belt", so I did. I took my safety harness off, packed my pack, and proceeded to place my foot on the first step of the Lone Wolf climbing stick. Immediately two does came crashing through with a young buck following. They were headed straight to me. I put my feet back on the treestand platform and began hoisting the gun back up, thanking God as I did. As the gun moved foot by agonizing foot closer to my hands, the buck moved yard by yard closer until he was so close I knew he'd bust me. But the does kept him distracted from ever noticing the rifle dangling in mid air in front of his face. Just as he was fifteen yards and broadside my gun was in my hands. He was still moving fast behind the does, but the sound of the lever action stopped him in his tracks... It was the last thing he ever heard. My bust season was salvaged, meat would be in the freezer. There I stood on my platform, dead buck under me, backpack on, hoist line dangling from my rifle, and realized all this had occurred without my harness on!!!
It's not over till it's over!