I'm fairly new to bow hunting and I'm trying to get my bow and arrows tuned before deer season starts in a few weeks. I read that bare shaft tuning is a good way to tune the knocking point and arrow spine. Well I started off with some arrows that are considerably lighter spine( according to online arrow selection charts) and long so I could have them cut down as needed. I'm shooting 31 '' Gold Tips xt hunters 5575 with a .4'' static spine with my old 1970's bear kodiak hunter at #55, and I have a 29'' draw and 125 gr tips. My bare shafts are hitting roughly 4 to 5'' left of the the fletched and leaning to the right which if I understand bare shaft tuning indicates a stiff spine. My question is why would my spine be stiff if I started on what I thought to be a fairly light spined option, is it because my old bow is weaker than newer ones that the chart were calibrated for? Should I go ahead and buy lighter spine arrows, or is it possible something else on my bow or my shooting form needs correcting, as I am fairly new to shooting and that could be the problem.