South Zone of Florida Opens Saturday AM! I'll be in a tree tomorrow at this time, and believe it or not the rut is in full swing down here! So much for the shorter day-colder weather theory. In our neck of the swamp- the rut has been on for about 2 weeks. This is the 5th year of QDM on our property and we are really seeing the benefits of that program. Ya gotta pass the immature ones for it to work! I was a doubter due to our feed and genetics, and I have changed- it works! Last weekend I watched a nice 8 point chasing a doe and he had 2 broken tines from fighting! I'm lookin for the winner of that fight! Keep ya posted Monday.
Biggie says I'm just scoutin for him as he comes down next weekend to help reduce the hog population. I don't see hogs during deer season- even if they are there. He can't pass one up!