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Author Topic: Stands on public land ...  (Read 4014 times)

Offline Bent Rig

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Re: Stands on public land ...
« Reply #100 on: September 19, 2009, 02:18:00 PM »
My opinion on all this is I believe a stand on public land should be brought out every day after the hunt , unless it is a groundblind . As far as staking out and laying claim to a spot - that ridiculous -who know if you or anyone else that has the right to hunt state or public lands was there first . So if you leave a stand or make a groundblind your leaving evidence that you were there - what if you just have hunted off the ground and didn't use any type of concealment other than your clothing- still your one of your spots -right ? Its first come first serve - and properly so -no one has the right because a stand was left in an area to have sole claim to that area to hunt . I would never climb up in someones stand and sit in it - but if I wondered into an area an had no idea that one of these senario's that were posted -and set up in that area before the said hunter arrived -tough luck to him - he should have the respect to leave and come back another time . I beleive in going into an area and leaving no evidence that I or anyone else was ever there - your just setting yourselves up for problems and showing people your spots . That why I don't understand why anyone would get upset-its going to happen - there are a lot of lazy people that don't care how they get their venison . Leave no trace !My 2 cents !! Peace !!!

Offline Bent Rig

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Re: Stands on public land ...
« Reply #101 on: September 19, 2009, 04:49:00 PM »
Hell , there are people out there that hunt off other hunters and the stands they use , thats their way of scouting during the season . In a spot that I've been hunting that last 30yrs we have an ex-Marine-retired that does just that and if anyone of my buddies is out they will come upon you while you are in your spot after crashing through the woods -Bingo new spot for them - thats how they try and deter you from coming up to hunt there-interfering with your time in the woods. There was a day that we were across a feild from one another , and there was a doe on my near corner during muzzleloading - all of a sudden I hear a shot come from across this feild 250yds away . Deer runs off , it was late , I know what happened . So as I was walking to get out of the feild to my vehicle , here"s the marine out across the feild -he gives me a quick wave like - Ha I got ya ! He could see me in on the edge of the orchard because of my orange vest -but I couldn't see him because all he wears when moving is prange gloves . But while standing only camo - he is a menace -but then again there's nothing you can do and we are not leaving - because someone has no morals or ethics . I for the record do not have anything against Marines , my son is Military -but you would think after retiring from such a prestigise group that they would instile some common sense . Bottom line this man wants all the state land to himself and another thing posted signs mean nothig to him either ! Disgusting !!


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Re: Stands on public land ...
« Reply #102 on: September 19, 2009, 05:22:00 PM »
I used to gun hunt a fairly out of the way place in NE Michigan. I sat with my back against the same stump for several years, each year I would brush in a minimal ground blind. I killed a deer there every year. One year, the day before opening day, I went out to brush up my spot. When I got there, there was a guy building a blind around "my" stump. I told him thats where I usually spent opening day, and he said he had been "hunting that spot for years". Liar. Oh well. What to do, shoot him? I left and found a different spot. I saw him 3 days later. He was skunked, I had a nice forhorn hanging. Karma is a real thing.

If I had a treestand hanging on public land and found somebody in it, I would tell them it's mine. If they offered to get down, I would probably decline, as the place was buggered up anyway. Whether they were polite or not, I would wait them out a short distance away, and when they started to climb down I would come back and remove my property. I don't have much desire to hunt in a spot so easily found anyway.

Hunting for me is a peaceful moment in a hectic life. I don't bring bad-ass type aggression into the woods. Also, I carry concealed at all times, and part of that responsibility is to avoid conflict.

As for folks who will steal a stand, whether on public or private property, they are a thief. It's a shame we can't just shoot them. Wouldn't it be great if a concealed carry permit came with coupons?   :bigsmyl:

Offline Mr.Magoo

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Re: Stands on public land ...
« Reply #103 on: September 19, 2009, 06:55:00 PM »
Alright, I'm not leaving my stand, but I am leaving my gum.  


Offline Widowbender

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Re: Stands on public land ...
« Reply #104 on: September 19, 2009, 11:44:00 PM »
Heyyy!!!! You're in MY spot....   :D    :D    :D    :D  

Good Luck out there, Dave...


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Offline Ragnarok Forge

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Re: Stands on public land ...
« Reply #105 on: September 20, 2009, 03:37:00 PM »
Life is simple. Hunt your spots unless someone beats you to them.  Then go hunt your other pre-selected spots.  

I rarely find people hunting my spots.  I go out of the way to hunt where others don't and amazingly the deer happen to be in those same spots.  If someone else is smart enough to hunt where the deer are just have three or four other spots selected and hunt there instead.

I have a late season elk hunting spot that literally is 150 yards from where everyone else in the area hunts.  People never seem to make the extra effort to bust the brush and find this spot.  I see elk in this spot all the time.  If someone else finds it good on them.  I have three more just like it. In ten years I have not seen another person or sign of them in these micro hunting spots.
Clay Walker
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Offline buckeye_hunter

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Re: Stands on public land ...
« Reply #106 on: September 20, 2009, 06:37:00 PM »

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