Hi Steve,
Leif told me about two different packs that he and his winter-time hunting partner personally wiped out over the past two winters within a very few miles from this precise location. In fact, last year he said they killed one big male a couple of miles away from our ridge top that was "8' long and weighed between 160# and 180#". That's a big wolf! The aerial hunting has made a year-by-year improvement in the number of bulls seen by Leif's clients, so the improvement is definite and measurable.
According to one of the ADF&G biologists that Leif flies around in the early winter to conduct moose population surveys, the benefits of wolf control on moose population begin to be lost within 3 years after aerial wolf hunting is stopped. I hope the State continues to allow wolf control in this part of the state because it's doing a lot of good.
JR, we flew out of Tok with 40-Mile Air. Their rates are on their website. Not cheap, but for the equivalent of a super-expensive guided hunt you can get exceptional quality hunting with zero disturbance from other hunters.