What a great morning it was, the air was nice and cool with a little bit of wind blowing in my face, the leaves are starting to change color, Fall is diffidently in the air!! It’s been a long time since I hunted from the ground and it felt great.
First full morning in my ground blind and I saw 9 deer, 5 were bucks!!
I had a big doe walk by me 15 yards at day light, still a little to dark to shoot. I could make out her silhouette but still too dark to pick a spot. Had she came by 5 minutes later I’d be butchering instead of typing now.
7:15 a small 3” and 5” spike came through my shooting lane together and I let them pass. 7:22 a nice 8 point came by put passed on the other side of the trail at about 25 yards… no clear shooting lane, not sure I would have taken the shot if I had one, getting to the edge of my comfort zone.
7:50 Two small yearling does came a crossed the field and followed the same path as the 8 pt.
8:05 a nice doe followed by a wide 6 point. They followed the last three deer.
8: 10 A little 3 point walked pass me on the other side of my blind the turned a came down the trail. He is off limits per my wife; we see him in the yard all the time and she named him buttons when his alters first started to grow.
All deer passed by from 15 to 25 yards unaware of my presence. I have a good feeling about this spot!!!