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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: St Jude's Armadillo Hunt-The Results are in! A deer hunt broke out along the way!  (Read 2853 times)

Offline John Scifres

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The best part about this story is that both men got their first deer.  The second best is that Darren promised me some choice cuts from his at the Southern Indiana Bowhunt next weekend.  I hope he follows through since I'm not packing any food  :)   Thanks for the story.  It is great.
Take a kid hunting!

TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline Hackbow

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Thanks for telling the story Gregg and for taking and posting the pics. Ethan and I arrived at Ft. Benning this afternoon, got our post permits and Chris got us hunting right away. The short recap of tonight's hunt is that we didn't kill anything. But, we did push a single pig out of a wallow and it crossed a dirt road leaving it's hoof tracks in our Jeep tracks.

We also spotted a doe on a field edge and Ethan was able to move to within 30 yds of her before she took off. A few more steps and he may have had his second deer with a stick.

As we were heading back to Chris' house we saw 2 armadillos - my first live ones ever. I used to believe they were just born dead on the road.

Chris fixed us a late dinner and I thought I'd check out TG before heading to bed. Another early morning of pig chasin' is ahead and you can see by the pictures above I need my beauty sleep.

I will take the time later to properly thank Gregg and Reed for their hospitality and friendship, but now bed is calling.

And yes, Mr. Scifres, you'll be eating from my kill. It's about time I supplied the camp meat.  :rolleyes:

Offline Whip

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What a great hunt!  Filled with first deer, new freindships, and wonderful memories for all involved.
Thanks for taking the time to include us all, and for helping the kids at St. Jude!  :thumbsup:    :clapper:
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In the end, it is not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln.

Offline Charlie Lamb

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Now this is what traditional archery is all about. Way to go fellas!!
   :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Hunt Sharp


Offline Steven Russell

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Congrats Darren and Ethan!  Sounds like a great time.  Wish I could join you at the Southern Indiana hunt.

Offline laxbowman

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cant wait to see u this weekend and enjoy some backstrap too!

Offline gregg dudley

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Thanks for the comments, guys.  We had a really good time.  The chance to see a father and son take their first trad deer on consecutive evenings was pretty special.

Traditional Bowhunters Of Florida
Come shoot with us!

Offline tradtusker

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ah Ya That is great Very nice work guys, congrats on a couple firsts does not get much better than that! Congrats thanks for sharing

   :clapper:    :clapper:    :clapper:
There is more to the Hunt.. then the Horns

**TGMM Family of the Bow**

Andy Ivy

Offline SKYLER W

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Great Job Gregg and Reed! and Congratulations to Darren and Ethan  :clapper:  ....
TGMM Family of the Bow

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Offline NoCams

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Awesome Gregg !  :thumbsup:  

TGMM  Family of the Bow
"Failure to plan is planned failure"

Offline gregg dudley

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Thanks, guys!  I hope your seasons are going well!

Traditional Bowhunters Of Florida
Come shoot with us!

Offline Bear

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Looks like a good time was had by all.   :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:
Twin Oaks Bowhunters
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Traditional Bowhunters of Tennessee

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Offline SOS

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Putting two men on their first trad kill - priceless!

Offline PSUBowhunter

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Congrats Darren and Ethan. Sounds like you guys had a good time and saw some nice country as well.

Offline Hackbow

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Well........we're finally home, exhausted and thoroughly satisfied.

After we left the Dudley's lease we drove north to Ft. Benning where we met Chris Surtees who opened his home and favorite hunting spots to us. Chris worked his tail off (and ours in the process) trying to get Ethan and I on hogs and/or deer. We were close a couple of times with the highlight being Ethan getting busted while drawing on a doe at ten yards.

Hunting while hearing guns and artillary going off around you is quite the experience. They break the large expanse of land into sections that are either open or closed to hunting depending upon the Army's training needs for the day. One time we were walking through a low area and Ethan and I were following Chris as he was trying to cut fresh hog sign. We both chuckled after what we originally thought were hog squeals turned out to be the noise from tank tracks in the next section over. Chris did his best to find us hogs, but they just wouldn't cooperate by staying on only the open areas.

We enjoyed every minute of our time in Georgia - even when running into the massive webs of the Golden Silk (Banana) spider - YIKES!!! You Southerners need to warn us Yankees about things like that!

Gregg and Reed are quite the team. At only 12, Reed is an accomplished hunter who adds to the camp comraderie while retaining his boyish interests. When the rest of us were taking a little break between morning and afternoon hunts, Reed was out in the field behind the cabin digging a hole deep enough in which to hide himself. Gregg tirelessly took care of our every need as promised in the auction. Southern hospitality at it's finest!

Chris was a man obsessed. Despite our assurances that the hunt was the reward, he was determined to find us something to shoot. He managed to put us in some great areas and did yeoman's work in trying to decipher the varied sign we found. I appreciate the constant attention to making the next best step toward the goal.

While our personal goal was to enjoy meeting new trad folks and hunting new ground, Gregg, Reed & Chris were all set on getting Ethan and I shot opportunities. Anyone would be fortunate to get the chance to hunt with any of the three. If this hunt is offered again next year, we'll be looking for a return trip for sure. Thanks to all three of you for your friendship, hospitality and a truly great time.

Ethan has to try to get caught up with school work and I am leaving for 4 more days of chasing deer in So. Indiana with some more TradGangers (wish you could be there too, Steve!). Thanks for all the congratulations and positive comments. Getting my first with a stick was great, but seeing Ethan close the deal on his first was incredible. Here's hoping all of your seasons are as rewarding as ours has already been.

Offline Benny Nganabbarru

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Well-done, All!
TGMM - Family of the Bow

Offline 4runr

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Congrats to Darren and Ethan!
Great job on your end Gregg, Reed, and Chris as well.

Christ died to save me, this I read
and in my heart I find a need
of Him to be my Savior
          By Aaron Shuste

TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline swp

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Congrats to you and Ethan on your first trad deer. Sounds like you had fun.
"People say you can't go back, its like when you get to the edge of a cliff and you take one more step forward or you do a 180 degree turn and take one more step forward. Which way are you going? Which one is progress?" Doug Tompkins

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