Couldnt agree more Margly!
Dividing compound and trad shooters serves no one!
Together we stand, divided we fall.
Although I do agree that we should not always stand together, as Freefeet so well explained... Although I live in Norway I am english and have also witnessed and actively protested against the so called sport of fox hunting with hounds.. which has given all forms of hunting in the Uk a bad name... I still have non hunting friends that cannot believe that I hunt with a bow, but am against fox hunting... to them, all hunting is the same... Non hunting people do not know or really care about the nuances of hunting... its all bad... but the antis... they love to misinform and "educate" people to the evils of bowhunting... just take a look on youtube.. so much false information thats its unbelievable!
For example:
web page Now with this kind of misinformation and propoganda on the net do we really need to add fuel to the fire?
Now I am not pointing any fingers here, but I think that all bowhunters need to think twice about videos pictures etc that are published on the net. Most forums, including this one are public and the posts can be read by anyone... I am 100% sure that PETA and the others are regularly in here reading posts and checking vids etc etc...
And yes, even here on trad gang I have seen videos that any anti would love to use and twist to show how "barbaric" bowhunting is.....
We may be in the woods alone, but on the net we are not! We are solely responsible for our own reputations, the image people see of us is the image we project.
On our recent rip to Africa I and Margly learnt alot about african game and hunting... In fact we were very surprised that due to many bad outcomes that many PHs are wary of trad equipment...
We were free to hunt with our trad bows, but after hearing all the info and stories this very experienced bowhunter and PH had to say, well I decided to hunt only small game with my widow on this trip and used my Compound to hunt big game, All of which was a one arrow one kill situation with total pass throughs on everything. 100% recovery...
Now I am by no means a bad shot with my trad bow, In fact I am 2009 Norwegian Field Champion and Margly is 2009 bowhunter champion and I will be returning, but I will be returning with more poundage on my trad bow and in fact more poundage on my compound. I know that poundage is not everything and that a well placed arrow from a 50# bow will take down most animals... but as soon as the arrow has left the bow its in the laps of the gods... In a less than perfect hit situation I owe it the animal AND the reputation of bowhunting to have as much chance of that arrow penetrating through to something vital as possible.
I come from a country where hunting rights weapon rights are severly restricted, I am now living in a country where hunting is more a part of the way of life, and very soon we hope to have Bowhunting legalised here in Norway... It is so important that bowhunting is seen in a good light at this crucial time for us here in Norway... the world is very small today and I am sure that antis here in Norway are in touch with antis everywhere and irresponsibly posted videos, pictures or stories are not what we or anyone else needs.
So with all respect I ask every hunter to think twice before you post on the net, here or elsewhere....ask yourselves: can this video/foto/story set bowhunting, or hunting in a bad light?
Good hunting to all of you this season.
Buejeger (Norwegian for Bowhunter)