The old Bear Archery catalogs (1973 I think) had a picture of Fred Bear paddeling a canoe with a big buck in it. I still have the catalog in my shop. That pic kindled the flame of desire in a young mans heart like no pin-up girl could. I pesterd my dad till he bought an old run down Old Town canoe that was wood slats coverd with canvas. We replaced the canvas, painted it with forest green oil based porch paint, and went to town and bought me a 45# Bear Grizzly recurve. We spent our summers at a family cabin on the Muskingum river in southern Ohio. I floated the river that whole summer shooting ground hogs on the bank and I have hunted with a canoe ever since. Note I said with a canoe, not IN a canoe. In a lot of states it's illegal to shoot a game animal out of a water craft but there is no better way to access your stand and floating a deer is so much sweeter than dragging one!!!!!!!