Well I just got off the phone with Mike aka 'wingnut'. I called to discuss options for a new bow.....and I guess you could say we got the details worked out! I loved one of the risers he had on an instock bow, but the limbs were only 40# and I shoot 60+ pounds. I made the mistake of telling him that if that bow were 20# heavier he wouldn't have to build me one. He countered with "why don't I make a set of 60# limbs for that riser and we could have it to you in a couple weeks?"
I can't believe my pea brain never came up with that option (I've been drooling over that bow for about 3 weeks).
Good news is....new orion at my door in 2 or 3 weeks
Bad news is.....not nearly as much time as I thought I'd have to tell my wife about it.
I'm so excited, nervous, happy I feel half out of my mind.....I better go fling some arrows