Remember no kid left behind,regardless of the level of ignorance.But those of us with values will be left behind!!
Ahhh yes! The "dumbing-down" of american childern is the key to having a more perfect future society of idiots to control. The few have's will easily be able to reign in the majority of have not's.
Then you can throw common sense, morals, freedoms that are guaranteed by the Constitution, and human rights down the toilet-and no one will be the wiser!!
This trespassing, no-regard for personal property situation is just one of the many problems we have on hand to fight against. Just don't voice your hunting/weapons/health reform opinions too vigorously, because then you are labeled a terrorist if you oppose the ideas. Unfortunately, one must get up off the couch late at night when we want to be watching TV, and write elected officials about this type of thing. Get your friends and like-minded folks to write as well. Most of these guys will still pay attention, if more than a handful of folks will voice.
In the time it takes to post here, we can each have a letter rough drafted- send it in to your congressman and lets say enough "political-correctness"!! We want our property and our rights protected, nay, we insist on this. Too long blatant disregard for others has been tolerated. And if a victory is won, and folks dont get to trespass without being punished, then it is a step back in the right direction for all morals and values.