Wanted to post up a big hello and introduce myself. I'm from the coast of Texas, but took a pipeline job, with all the benefits that are now being threatened, up here in northeast Texas.
I've always been interested in archery, but for some reason here lately it's all I can think about, other than duckhunting which is my first passion.
I'm one who doesn't care for things with all the bells and whistles. Not that I don't mind them, but I like simplicity and things old school, which is why I want to shoot traditional, instictive archery. After many hours of research on this computer, I stumbled onto a link to this site and am glad I did. I really hope to learn, share, and maybe even teach(sometimes you could learn by seeing what not to do. I've always been good at teaching this way)
I've been looking at various bows and have somethings on e-bay that I'm watching as well as some classifieds. I plan on getting something around 40 to 45# and practice, practice, practice. No hurry to go shoot at something, I 1 week out from ACL replacement, so I have plenty of TIME to kill. So I probably wouldn't make this years deer season anyway. I figure maybe by Feb or March I might be consistant enough to start out of some of these dang pigs around here.