I am having some trouble this season with closing the deal. I feel I have nailed down every aspect of hunting from the ground. Over the last couple years I have spent 95% of my time on the ground, and I've learned something new everytime I am in the field. This season has been unbelievable as far as sightings and getting close and doing everything right. I have been in bow range of 10 or so deer this year, and have loosed a total of 4 arrows and came to full draw without releasing twice.
This morning has pushed me over the edge. I was tucked up under a Maple tree with low hanging limbs. I did everything right as far as going well past my ambush spot with my scent drag, and double backing back to my spot. I stepped off 18 yards from my scent wick to where I was sitting. Sure enough at first light, the biggest buck of my life comes walking up right to my scent wick from the direction I made sure to walk past my spot and double back. To get to the point, this morning was the 4th deer I've shot over their backs. I CANNOT UNDERSTAND IT! It is to the point now, that my nerves are calm as a cucumber due to loosing so many arrows this season. I don't get the shakes anymore, and I have a full sound mind talking my way through the shot sequences.
I can go out to my back yard any time and shoot lights out up to 20 yards. (hit the vitals 9 to 10 times out of 10 shots)
I just don't understand why I am missing so much this season. I am staying positive, and had a heart to heart with myself before the sun came up this morning telling myself not to get down and to stay positive and to make sure you keep that primal instinct flowing throughout every hunt, and wouldn't you know it, I blew it again 20 minutes later... Has anyone gone through this?!!!