Yep, today was my lucky day. While walking in to my stand this afternoon, the copperhead missed. I stepped almost on top of him, but, I guess snakes sometimes forget "to pick a spot" just like bowhunters. My first reaction was to use my fine Hill Bow as a club, but when he went aggressive, I took it out of the bow sock and strung it up.The Magnus head sliced him up pretty well, but he still wasn't dead, so I then picked up a stick. Sorry, guys, but by the time I put the stick down, the skin was in no condition to put on a bow!
I did leave the woods earlier than usual. All I could think of on the stand after this was, "I don't want to walk out of here in the dark." After all, this could easily have been the proverbial "brown trouser experience, if you know what I mean. LESSON LEARNED. Tomorrow, I will have on the snake boots. After the recent threads regarding snakes in the woods, I should have been forewarned, and now, so should you. Anyway, friends, if it is still warm where you are hunting, put on the snake boots. We don't need anybody having the season ruined by Mr. Noshoulders.