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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Classic bows for kids???  (Read 439 times)

Offline portugeejn

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Classic bows for kids???
« on: October 25, 2009, 11:16:00 PM »
I just picked up 2 Bear Red Bear fiberglass bows (Grayling Mich. molded into the grips). Decal says Red Bear by Bear AM0 50". I made strings for them and measured the weight. One is 15# @ 25", one is 18# @ 25" (I just picked a draw length-I don't know if that is what kids draw or not).

My question is (my wife and I have never had kids of our own) what age range would these be good for?

I have a number of nieces and nephews, and friends with kids, that could make good use of these (and I've some kid arrows also), but I really don't know what age range I should give them to.

I do know that when I was active teaching the Archery Merit Badge with the Boy Scouts, the older Scouts called these red bows "cubbie bows" which leads me to think they would be good for the 6 to 10 crowd???

Anyway, thanks for your opinions.


Offline Bjorn

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Re: Classic bows for kids???
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2009, 11:25:00 PM »
My kids grew up on old bears that we would get on ebar and just list them again when they were ready for a new bow. 25" is a long draw for a youngster under 10-more like 20".
I think those bows would be good for the age group the scouts named; 6-10.
Have fun!

Offline reddogge

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Re: Classic bows for kids???
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2009, 11:27:00 PM »
I've been working with my 3 grandsons this past year and the ages are 9,7,5.  The 9 yo is into a 30#@28" Browning Spartan but he draws around 22"-24" or so.  The 7 and 5 yo shoot a Little Bear which is 20#@24".  Both draw shorter as I made them cedar arrows 24" and they overhang.  The 5 struggled a little at this weight as he was 4 when we started out but the 7 is pulling it easily.  So I'd say your bows would suit a kid 4-7.  When boys reach 9 or 10 they become pretty strong for their size and can easily shoot an adult sized bow at their shorter draws.
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Re: Classic bows for kids???
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2009, 11:29:00 PM »
Cool, fun bows, I had one growing up. It was my first bow and my intro into traditional hunting. Guess I was 8 or 9 when my dad gave it to me, not sure. Gave my son his first recurve when he was 11. Man I had a lot of fun with that bow, think my mom sold it at a yard sale, dang it!
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