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Author Topic: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet  (Read 1286 times)

Offline 3dmuzzy

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Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« on: October 31, 2009, 09:49:00 AM »
I have a summit viper I have had it for years and like it,but I'm looking for ways to keep it quiet.When on my back the cables make a rattling sound from the cables inside the tubing.also when setting up it make noise.Help me out with some pics or mods you guys have made to your summit climbing stands. >>>>-----> ED
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Re: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2009, 10:10:00 AM »
I too have the older one with the straight braces that go from the platform up toward the tree. The newer Vipers arms are curved for just that reason. About the only thing you can do is make sure your heat shrink is in great shape with no metal exposed and wrap the very end of your cables with some electrical tape to pad them. Also when packing the stand make sure you store the cables inside the tubes as far as they will go, all the way to the last lug on the cable.

By the way..... Do you know what else the Viper cables can be used for.... Yep, JUMPER CABLES !!! I got stranded on my Polaris ATV one time with a buddy who is an electrician. My son Mason was around 4-5 yrs old and was notorious for getting on my ATV in the garage during the week and pretend he was driving like dad. He would always manage to leave the lights on and kill my battery. I got tired of buying batteries so I just started using the pull rope to start. That is okay, but not the intended purpose of the pull rope, it is for emergencies only really.

Well one evening at dark after my bud and I had shot a fat doe, we yanked the pull rope and it broke ! Now what..... You cannot push or roll off a Polaris due to the automatic transmission. I thought we were in for a long walk when my bud said well, let's jump your ATV off with mine. I said with what, a stick or something ? He proceeded to start pulling my Viper cables out of my stand and said,, " No, we will use these Summit Jumper Cables, haha " Took his pocket knife , stripped heat shrink from the ends and walla, Summit Jumper Cables !!!

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Offline ishiwannabe

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Re: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2009, 10:30:00 AM »
With my bushmaster, I stuff the cables into the stand as far as I can while packing. I also wrapped electrical tape around the end ot the cables to lessen the ability to move around in the tube, and clank.

As far as setting up...I get there early and move very slow....I can et it up and climb without any noise, but it takes me some time.
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Re: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2009, 03:35:00 PM »
IMHO   only way to keep them quiet is to sell it and by a lonewolf    :biglaugh:
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Re: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2009, 04:39:00 PM »
Now Marc Play nice  "[dntthnk]"
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Offline Last of the Breed

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Re: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2009, 04:43:00 PM »
I push the cabels in all the way and have never had a problem with any noise, but i dont use mine very much either.
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Re: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2009, 09:46:00 PM »
sorry Ed.  I was being funny, but in all seriousness that is what I ended up doing.   between the 'chunk chunk chunk' sound of sliding the metal blocks into the tube/brackets, and the aluminum baseball bat sound of brush clanking of the tubes while it was on my back I just thought it was too noisy.  

they don't call the lonewolf 'your silent partner' for nothin.

FYI...for the past three years I've hunted public land almost exclusively and used climbers a lot (after having stuff stolen).  its just my humble opinion.
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Re: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2009, 10:28:00 PM »
Would have to agree with hickstick about the Lone Wolf stands.  They don't use hollow tubing so really do make less noise than most others.  Since getting one my tube stands mostly stay home now.  That thing is dead quiet when climbing, standing up or shifting weight.

I don't have a Summit but have looked at them and they are a nice stand, especially the seats (look very comfy).  Still, the hollow tubes & cable setup presents some problems re noise.  You could try filling the non-cable areas of the tubes with spray foam to cut the 'ting/bong' problem. Where the cable slides in the tubes maybe you could wrap the cable itself with thin tennis handle wrap or something similar.

Offline Soilarch

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Re: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2009, 10:30:00 PM »
The suggestions for the cables seem like they would work.

I've not used mine much...probably been up less than 50 trees.  Cables aren't the problem for me.

I can't hardly keep the thing from clanking around on my back from the lower platform bumping against the seat portion.  No matter how tightly I "snug" it...it settles into a loose clattering mess.

I gave up on trying to fix it.  I now "stalk" to the stand or go in really early. Neither is very convenient...hence it's not been up many trees.

Any hints on how to pack it into/on to itself and keep it quite?  Only thing I know is to tediously pack a towel in between the two.
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Offline Three Arrows

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Re: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2009, 05:09:00 AM »
Wrap the parts that rub or clank with some rubber wrap that only sticks to itself.  I find them in sporting goods or health in stores.  They are used for bandaging.  I gave up on hollow tube stands and went back to Lone Wolf using the sit and climb with a net seat.  It is light and quiet making it very easy to pack a mile or so in and out every hunt.

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Re: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2009, 07:11:00 AM »
I leave my Bushmaster hanging in the garage, totally silent.
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Re: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2009, 09:09:00 AM »
I was gonna say wrap the points that bump each other with some kind of rubber tape. I don't know if you have a Rural King in your area but I seen some stuff that was spray on made by limbsaver kinda like paint but it was some kind of spray on rubber stuff just for the purpose of spraying stands and such. I was gonna try it but haven't got any yet.  
  Plan to and I'll just spray most of my stand with that, you might do a search on the net for spray on limbsaver product. I think it was about 14.00 a can or so.
Good luck
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Re: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2009, 09:19:00 AM »
make sure that you get the cinch strap down far enough, toward the middle of the stand and not toward the end of the platform. If you get it too far toward the end as you cinch it down you are pulling the two pieces of the stand away from each other where the bottom platform V bar nests into the backrest of the top platform. It will rattle !

A few other noise issues I have found but solved.... The bungee straps for the seat with the small metal hooks on the end are wrapped in electrical tape our dipped in Plastidip. You can get by without this but you have to be extra careful when unstrapping them from the stand during use. One wrong move and you have that dreaded metallic sound. The backpack straps need to be lubricated from time to time to keep them from squeaking too. I just use olive oil or some parafin inside the nylon loops where they go around a rung of the platform to eliminate the squeak you can get sometimes while packing in.

Yes tubular type stands can be louder than the solid cast platform of the Lone Wolf system. Just have to make a few minor mods to the Summit and the payoff is a stand that is much more comfortable than the Lone Wolf. I have read too many threads on comfort issues on the Lone Wolf. We try to trim small, just wide enough lanes in the off season, trails to our Summit stand sites so we are not clanking around in the dark going in. Another HUGE plus of doing this is no scent on the foilage leading to your stand too. JMHO

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Re: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2009, 11:07:00 PM »
I almost forgot..... Get you some self adhesive felt furniture pads from Lowes or HD and stick them between the top and bottom part of the stand where they nest together and also on the V brace uprights where the bottom tree teeth touch the V bar brace uprights and your nosie problem is gone ! I simply took a sharpie and marked where the two stand halves touch each other and then cut the pads and stick em on. I use the large square felt pads you can cut to fit, a few bucks I think ? Make sure you wipe the area you are going to stick the pads too down with some alcohol so you get a good bond. Problem solved.

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Offline lpcjon2

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Re: Summit stand users how do you keep them Quiet
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2009, 08:05:00 PM »
Ever try the liquid rubber dip that comes in the can,It's made for tool handles.I used it on the chains of my strap-on tree stands and it works great.
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