Another discussion reliant upon where you hunt and the situation.
Out west; the wind can be my best friend. Wind blows your scent away; and it can be used to get you right into touching range of deer.
Now--- with a closed up a bit environment; like here when I am bear hunting over bait - the most interesting thing I have done to educate myself about wind and how it works - is to set off a smoke bomb. One of those 4th of July type smoke bombs. Set one off in your stand ( its illegal in some places to set off fireworks on forest service land- so put it in a coffee can if you have to) - and then watch that thick smoke as it goes this way and that.
Man you can learn a whole lot about wind that way! What you think the wind is doing is one thing; but watching it - that is very telling!
Another thing from the opposite train of thought on it; is if you have a treestand or ground stand set up; and are not seeing deer on trails; is to put a bottle of skunk scent in a coffee can and leave it in your stand and then go walk the deer trail. You might be surprised where you can smell the skunk scent; and where you cannot.
Whitetails will have trails that go back and forth; zig zagging in a pattern to detect danger going to and from places.
They practice! They will follow each other; and stomp scent in spots; and really do their homework in areas that are constricted.
If you can figure out the weak spot in their system- you can have a shot.
Try the smoke bomb(s) and you might just laugh at how your stand set up is in such a wrong place; and how another stand spot maybe ten feet away is perfect.
Figure out a stand for each wind direction; and you are all done but the tagging.