lpcjon2 I have shared, I've told you it IS possible to fool a whitetails nose. Sorry didn't have kindergarten when I started school and who knows maybe someday I'll hunt NJ! lol As for Fred Bear heck I'm positive he had access to the same ingrediants I do but not sure if he used them though too busy making and selling great bows.
kevgsp- nope not chlorophyll.
I will go on to say it's way easier to fool a whitetails nose while on stand rather than fooling them for tracking abilities. If you think you can fool a deer EVERYTIME while emitting human smells while walking to your stand you've got another think coming. When I first starting using my system I was a little smug one day after watching a "OLD" doe and her two fawns cross my trai followed by a 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 yr old buck doing the same and never once picking up on my approach trail. Later what turned out to be a lost coon hound came through and hit my walk in trail. It followed my trail straight to my tree but kept going right on by. The hound made three large circles in my hunting area only to return to my trail and finally come to the base of my tree, stop and look up! Then she just layed down there knowing she had found me! She obviously WASN'T fooled and associated my trail as a human smell ( knee high rubber boots?) I eventually had to get down and walk the bitch back and notify the owner! lol I've had similar experiences with deer. Approximately 90% of the time they walk right on by, 5% of the time they smell it and even track it few yards but show no concern only curious but a few times they have smelt "human" and showed it. I rate a whitetails deer nose for tracking purposes somewhere between a full bloodied bloodhound and a beagle/poodle mix! It's a toss up. But once on stand I feel confident they never suspect a human is there as for wind driven or thermal driven scent.