This year I had a duffus walk circles under my tree stand, that's right i actually sat in one this year a couple of times, right at sunset when the buck i was after was coming towards me. he had his two sons with him and a crescent wrench in his hand. he said that damn thing was around here somewhere. When spoke to him, he said with a real shaky voice he was looking for arrows. My climbing stand was bolted with nuts, instead of wingnuts. As far as shooting someone with an HTM or a bludgeon, I did that once when a kid threatened me with a shotgun. He thought he was going to die. When he could breathe again, he claimed he was only bluffing. I was not, however, one cannot often not afford the luxury of trying to read the mind of an armed person. There are a lot of crazies out there, besides me, it pays to be cautious with strange dudes with stinky socks, but do not over react unless you feel certain that you are threatened.