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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?  (Read 1854 times)

Offline Fishnhunt

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2009, 11:23:00 PM »
Tx has a good season too.  I think its $70 is for the super combo which covers gun hunting, bow hunting fresh and saltwater fishing.

Bow only season starts roughly beg of October and ends roughly beg of Nov.  I believe gun season lasts thru Jan 31 in some places.  You can bowhunt during the gun season which is what I do

You can also hunt exotics year round...lots of free roaming Axis, Goats, Sheep all in the 'hill country'.  I need to figure out a way to hunt the hill country for free. Need a general hunting license to hunt exotics though.

Pigs everywhere, year round, you need a hunting license to hunt em though unless you are landowner or landowners agent or lessee who is killing hogs to avoid depradation.

Offline Jason R. Wesbrock

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2009, 11:41:00 PM »
In Illinois, our deer season starts October 1st and ends the first Sunday after January 13th. Unless you’re hunting in the archery-only portion near Chicago, there is no archery deer hunting allowed for seven days, during both of our general firearms seasons (three and four days respectively).

For residents, a hunting license is $7.50 plus $5.50 for a habitat stamp. A set of combination deer tags (one either sex, one antlerless-only) is $26.00. Fall archery turkey tags are $5.50 each. So the bare minimum you’ll spend as a resident here to hunt deer and fall turkeys with archery equipment is $44.50.

There are no limits on antlerless deer, but hunters are limited to two antlered bucks per season (all weapons combined). Hunters are also limited to two fall turkeys per season.

Offline Jason R. Wesbrock

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2009, 11:54:00 PM »
Wisconsin’s seasons and tag prices are different depending on where in the state you hunt.

Statewide, archery deer season starts mid-September (the 12th this year) and runs until the first Sunday following New Years Day. In the CWD Zone, there is no interruption to archery season. Outside that area, there is no bowhunting during the nine-day general firearms season.

A resident archery tag is $24, which allows the holder to take one antlered buck and, I believe, one antlered deer in a Herd Control unit, and another antlered deer anywhere in the state. Additional antlerless tags are $2 for Herd Control units and $12 for regular units. In the CWD zone, all additional carcass tags are free of charge for both residents and nonresidents.

Statewide there are no limits on antlerless deer. Outside the CWD Zone, bowhunters are limited to one antlered buck per season. Inside the CWD Zone, it is an unlimited earn-a-buck situation. If a bowhunter kills, for example, four antlerless deer, he or she can kill four antlered bucks.

Offline maineac

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #23 on: December 09, 2009, 08:18:00 AM »
In Maine it is 38 for a res. hunt fish, which allows you one deer, unless you take one with your $21 res. archery tag.  You can get additional deer by hunting the expanded archery zone which includes some archery only town zones and part of the coast and offshore islands, where you can buy a buck tag for $32 and as many $12 doe tags.  You can buy a tag for one spring turkey for $20 and one fall turkey for $20.  Expanded zone season runs from mid-Sept. until this coming Sat., reg. Archery runs the month of October, rifle is and month of November (and I shift over due to the desire to put venison in the freezer), Muzzleloader is and additional fee and runs for 1 or 2 weeks depending on what part of the state you hunt.
The season gave him perfect mornings, hunter's moons and fields of freedom found only by walking them with a predator's stride.
                                                              Robert Holthouser

Offline Jason Jelinek

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2009, 01:30:00 PM »
As a resident of ND:
Deer archery season starts at noon the Friday before Labor Day weekend and usually goes until the first Sunday in January.  Archery season stays open during the rifle and muzzleloader season.

Antelope archery season starts at noon the Friday before Labor Day weekend and goes until the first Sunday in October.

- $20 for 1 deer (antlered or antlerless, whitetail or mule deer) anywhere in the state.
- $20 for 1 antelope (antlered or antlerless) in the antelope unit.
- $7 Furbearer license for mountain lion (one unit is limited to 8 cats total for all hunters, the other unit has no limits on cats).

- $8 for 1 spring tom turkey (some units it may take 2-3 years to draw the tag)
- $8 for 1 fall turkey (hen or tom)
- $3 for a one-in-a-lifetime moose
- $3 for a one-in-a-lifetime elk
- $3 for a one-in-a-lifetime bighorn sheep

Offline Dave Lay

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #25 on: December 09, 2009, 05:01:00 PM »
I will kinda expand on the Arkansas post earlier. $25.00 gets ya a combined bow,muzz.and modern gun resident lic. 4 deer max. combined total and 1 bear. 5 months to hunt oct 1 thru feb 28th. and we can bowhunt through our gun seasons.. parts of the state are very game rich, others not so much....you can hunt pigs year round on private ground with no limit. i think I have been priced out of hunting out of state.. last years may be the last with these prices.. its just not worth it to me anymore
Compton traditional bowhunters
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Traditional bowhunters of Arkansas
I live to bowhunt!!!
60” Widow SAV recurve 54@28
60” Widow KBX recurve 53@27
64” DGA longbow 48@27

Offline Nate Fikkert

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2009, 05:40:00 PM »
Jason's pretty close on WI.  One slight error, might have been a typo.  We get one buck and one antlerless tag for $24.  These are valid anywhere in the state.  With all the antlerless tags available in Herd control units and the CWD zone no-one uses that antlerless tag in these areas.  You also get one herd control tag "free" with the purchase of your archery tag.  Also allows you to bowhunt for any small game in season.

Public land is fairly plentiful, especially in northern WI.  It does get hunted very hard though.  It can be ok though.


Offline Wary Buck

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #27 on: December 09, 2009, 07:09:00 PM »
I could've sworn I posted here yesterday but I'm not seeing it, so will repost.  

Nebraska runs Sept. 15 to Dec. 31 with a nine-day closure in mid-Nov. for rifle season.  We share the month of Dec. with muzzleloaders (in-lines with scopes are legal).  For the most part, whitetails and mule deer are managed together with few exceptions.

Resident permits are $28.  Hunters can get any two permits that allow the harvest of either-sex (any combination of bow, MZ, rifle...including two of one kind).  For that $28 permit, it will allow an either-sex deer and an antlerless deer.  One can also buy a nearly unlimited supply of antlerless tags, each of them being $28 and good for two deer.  Also need a habitat stamp (can't recall what they cost).

While I would certainly tweak a few things if I were in charge, we really have a pretty good deal.  Trophy quality isn't what IA/KS/IL and others may have, but it has been on the improve since about 2000.  Not a lot of public ground in this state.  We DON'T rape the non-residents unlike a certain state to our east; permits are reasonable and available over-the-counter or internet, and they can also get two either-sex tags like the residents.  And beginning next year, there will be $5 youth permits for turkeys and I think deer, residents and non-resident alike.
"Here's a picture of me when I was younger."
"Heck, every picture is of you when you were younger."
--from Again to Carthage, John L. Parker, Jr.

Offline myshootinstinks

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #28 on: December 09, 2009, 10:48:00 PM »
Wyoming.....We basically get the month of Sept for deer & elk.  One of each unless you obtain an extra cow/calf tag or can hunt whitetail up north.  Antelope is, I believe, Aug 15th-Sept 15th.  There is a nice variety of game and lots of public land. I can bowhunt on public land for days at a time and never see another hunter. I may see deer, elk, moose, & antelope in the same day.

   On the downside.....the seasons are far too short and they all happen at about the same time, (deer, elk, antelope). I'd like to see a late season, (Dec-Jan), but I doubt it will ever happen 'cause WY G & F does not see a need or benefit.  Nonresident license are, in my opinion, outrageously priced.

Offline myshootinstinks

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #29 on: December 10, 2009, 08:36:00 AM »
WY resident & nonresident fees:
Res Elk  $57
Res Deer  $43
Res Antelope  $38

Non Res Elk w/ fishing   $591
Non Res Deer             $326
Non Res Antelope         $286
   And just for grins.....
Non Res Moose         $1416
Non Res Sheep         $2266
Non Res Mtn Goat      $2166

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