I went to a meeting a few months back on LI where the biologist and local DEC hosted a discussion. The biology readily admitted that the #'s are indeed an educated guess. They go to processors, check vehicle incidents,etc. They do not do fly overs as they say they are very costly and could never cover enough ground in a night to come up with accurate #'s. I found the meeting, although having the best intentions, a let down. A lot of time was spent with guys telling war stories that were totally irrelevant. Most questions were answered with data that as an educated hunter you know is way off. For instance they believe the buck to doe ratio in NY is 2-3 to 1. Anybody who spends enough time in the woods would tell you it is probably closer to 7-8 to 1. What they basically do is lump areas into three basic categories High/Stable/Low and then issue doe tags as they see fit. Joe