Nothing.....Zip, Zero, Zilch, NADA!
So I got out around 4:30 to check out where they were coming in and the damage that was being done. The Greenskeeper had noted it's in the tens of thousand dollar range.....this year alone.
I found a NICE spot for an ambush. They come across a road from some open land right into a small patch of yuccas. The yuccas offered me several shooting lanes if they had been built as a blind. Right across the road there were fresh tracks and evidence of rooting the night before. I was thinking WOO HOO! I'm gonna connect! I can do this!
Wind was in my favor....right in my sniffer. I laid out some bait and took a squat (My buddy Dave at my side with a spotlight). Can't forget Dave! He had a night off from his girl and the combination of 7 kids...LOL! He was a great help by just falling asleep in the rough. So I sat for a bit then heard "steps" on the gravel. Waited for about 15 minutes and slowly rose to nothing. Sat for another hour or so...watched some falling stars going through the Milky Way and truly enjoyed a small town West Texas night. I think I found the Com Cast Satellite if anyone has a SAM.
Had a good time. Didn't get a hog so we got a McRib at McDonalds on the way out......fitting.
As we left, the Greenskeeper had told me they shot 3 big black ones the night before. He noted they are there one night and gone the next. Like they plan this out.
Looking forward to next week.