I find my bows like less spine than the calculator says. Maybe it is me, but after a lot of bow tuning this year on a lot of different bows, I always end up to stiff based on the calculator. Usually about 25-50 gr, more point weight gets me there or about 5# of spine correction. I do love using it once I get the right arrow for the bow because I do find I can change arrows and be real close on a new set-up.
I have come to the conclusion that for me I am better off being a little on the weak side if I am going to miss it. If you end up way to stiff then point weight is about all you can do other than a skinny sting, thinner strike plate, pull of the silencers and maybe drop the brace height. If you are weak you can build out the side plate, shorten the arrow, go to an aluminium inserts, raise the brace, add a bow quiver, add bigger or more silencers........
I run 8 strands FF, thinner strike plates and as small a silencer as I can so for me if I get to stiff about all I can do is add point weight.