Yup…I’d have to go along with the consensus. At best, it might work with a Flemish string if you remove the serving first, but definitely not advisable with an endless string.
Personally, I often find the matter somewhat difficult to comprehend when bowstrings and arrows enter the equation. A bow is useless without either, and I view a spare string as a necessity…much like the quantity of arrows I choose to carry to fit the occasion (…never understood ½ dozen purchases, either).
For all that people are willing to invest in a bow, shorting oneself the experience of using it to the fullest just simply fails to compute. IMO, after acquiring a bow, strings and arrows are not luxury items, they are necessities. Who would buy a rifle and try to get by on 6 bullets?
Sorry…not trying to ventilate in any one direction, but often the reading just keeps returning me to how much fun it is to have a little extra…as opposed to not having quite enough. Enjoy, Rick.