Go to a good PT or doc for sure and make certain what you are dealing with. I went to a friend of mine who is a PT and he suspected tendonitis of the AC joint and especially bicep tendonitis. Took him about 5 minutes of rolling my arm and shoulder around into different positions to know for sure where and what hurt the most.
He told me to ice three times a day, take all the Aleve I could take religiously and come back in three weeks. He also told me NOT to come back if I was not going to do what he told me ! Most folks just do not do what their PT or doc tells them to do. It is hard to stop and ice a shoulder three times a day for 15-20 minutes but it is truly amazing what it does ! My PT told me, " Why do you think those million dollar major league pitchers use ice like they do ? " He has a great point guys, ice works like you would not believe IF you do it 3 times a day 15-20 minutes like you should.
I also took my pills right on schedule and the combo of rest, ice, and anti immflamatory meds had me feeling 100 % better in 2 weeks ! After two months of careful care and not over shooting I had whipped my severe immflamation of my bicep tendonitis and was shooting and sleeping better than ever. My PT explained to me how tendonitis feeds upon itself. When you have tendons in the shoulder area all touching each other and get one inflamed the swollen tendon then rubs the others around it and so on and so on. It just gets worse and worse and you HAVE to get rid of the immflamation pronto.
If this would not have helped me then my PT would then have suggested a cortizone shot, a atom bomb for immflamation according to him. If that didn't work then he would then have sent me to a doc for a MRI and possible surgery. Sure glad I listened and did what he told me and healed myself with simple rest, ice, and Aleve.