If you are north of Sparta, then you are in driving distance of Thurmond Chatam, which is a super good spot to hunt. Not only lots of deer, but lots of BIG deer. Hwy 18 is one way to access, it fills the left side of the road as you drop over the Eastern Contennental divide. We used to hunt it. It is a huge game land and I believe there are a few access point off of the Parkway, which I believe would be A or B sections. Talked with a biologist a fews years ago and he was convinced the next state record would come out of the back side of that section, nearest the parkway. That area is difficult to get to and most the pressure comes from the Wilksboro side off of the little dirt road that cuts across from Hwy 18 to hwy 21. Good luck, check the regs though, that area may be over for the year!