I grew up in WV hunting bears with dogs and for the most part I believe it is ethical. There are some who will carry 2 or 3 truck loads of fresh dogs all wearing tracking collars and drive the backroads switching out the dogs with new ones and not breaking a sweat until the bear is just too darned tired to run anymore and decides to fight or go up a tree; That I believe is unethical. I prefer to hunt without dogs now, but that's just a personal preference. All that being said; every bear hunt I've ever been on with dogs has left me bruised, bloody, and exhausted. Usually the younger will go up a tree pretty quick, but I've seen big boars go into the next county, stop long enough to kill a couple dogs and keep on for another couple of hours. Try keeping up with that in the laurel thickets and mountains in WV and then tell me it's not fair chase or ethical. So yeah take the shot; just make sure no limbs are in the way and pick the spot you want the arrow to exit.