I've recently caught my old man making googly eyes towards the bows I have with Eagles Flight quivers on em. So, for Christmas, I ordered him a copperhead skinned 4 arrow quiver from EF. (He really digs it, by the way. Them copperhead skins go good with the Yew limbs)
Anyway, I broke his Great Plains SR Swift down to put the quiver on it, and I may have run into a problem.
My experience with take down bows is VERY limited, and I'm curious if this looks right to you guys with more experience.
The brass peice is actually epoxied into the limb...I thought it was just a regular washer.
To me, it looks like it'd need another washer below the hex bolt to keep the bolt from pulling thru the leather.
What do yall think?
Thanks and Merry Christmas, Everyone!