BOW SCHOOL #2 - What A Great Time!!
Yes folks, I did it again last weekend. We had a full class of 4 and I was the only returning student. The only thing better than attending Horne's Archery Bow School is attending twice. All 4 of us students were TradGang members i believe, 2 of us right handed, 2 left. I built a 1 piece long bow in the same vane as my 3 piece model and...I remembered my camera this time! Barry from Arkansas built a 3 piece longbow, Josh from south Texas built his first traditional bow which was a beautiful 3 piece recurve and Ron, my brother, from Ohio built a left handed version of my first 3 piece bow. I think Mark needs new shoes - track shoes this time - it looked like an Olympic event with him running back and forth between us giving hands-on instruction and keeping us from 'driving off into a ditch'! After tuning, everyone was beaming and happy with their new tool. Each bow bare shafted excellent and we are proud owners of our Horne's Archery bows. Barry left for a hog hunt that afternoon and I hope he posts here on that hunt's success. I have a few pictures and hope everyone else with a camera's post their pictures too. If you haven't and ever thought you wanted to try, schedule a class with Mark or Sandy Horne. There is a pride in ownership you will never know about unless you grab a rasp, some sand paper, steel wool a vise and get to work yourself. I am happy to report that other than physical wieght of the bows, I cannot tell the difference between the two "school" bows I own - both send arrows to the same point of aim and when I walk to the target, I cannot tell which arrow came out of which bow!! It doesn't get any better than this folks. Standby for pictures once i get them uploaded to photobucket.