When I was young(er) I would use the logic model and realize as many posters have shared: "Stuff happens". I work hard to try to minimize risks and let the chips fall when they will as they will...
In reading Mudd's original post closely, all I saw was that reading about the gut shot bear made him twinge...for the suffering of the bear.
As I've aged, I find logic less useful in pushing aside emotions, and I find I FEEL much more deeply. Whether that be other's pain in suffering, loss, illness or whatever. I also feel more intensely for the animals I love and love to hunt and eat.
All I read was ole Mudd saying it hit him how that bear might have felt with an arrow through his guts... I didn't read anything about how it was wrong to have happened, or that HH was wrong and Mudd's said as much...
For me, I guess I can read his words and say, "yeah, I get it, Mudd, you just felt that pull where you felt that one more intensely..."
Not saying this feeling thing is a good thing. Not something I'd wish on anyone or hold myself up for having happened to me (or Mudd). Actually, it's something of a pain to get drawn into those feelings. Is there a pill you can take?
Shoot...when we get a drought, I won't go fishing for trout I love...cause they're all huddled up around whatever spring brings life chilling cooler temps and O2 they need...to catch and release them then seems like a death warrant. I won't go.
My friends laugh at me... but I gotta shave this ugly mug in the AM mirror...so "to thine own self be true."
Many years ago I was put on the spot in a class and wrote about myself, "...an intricate balance of subtle contradictions in constant conflict..."
Mudd, I think I get it. No disparagement and no judgement implied in what I read that you wrote...stuff happens... just that you felt that one rather deeply reading his great writing at that particluar moment.
Peace out.