Well I went to the lease for a couple days this week. I still have not shot a buck this year and after two days of seeing almost nothing I decided to try to take it out on the pigs. There is a white with black spots pig i call the Dalmation that I missed a couple weeks ago. I checked my trail cam and had several pics of Dalmation at my pit blind so that's where I decided to go New Years Eve afternoon. I got there early and settled in. At about 4:30 I caught movement and saw a doe and yearling coming in. They were very nervous and only stayed a few minutes before leaving. The feeder went off at 5:00pm and within 5 minutes I could see black legs moving through the brush towards me. When they showed themselves it was Ranch Rats (javalinas). There were three and one was definitely bigger than the others. After severl minutes he finally turned broadside and I let an arrow fly. TWHACK, gnarl and growl; he runs about 15yds falls over dead and in sight. That was cool and I don't even need to track him. I decide to wait to see if Dalmation would make a visit. About 30 minutes later I hear a noise and look up to see a doe trot in right to my hand thrown corn at about 7-8yds. She stops perfectly, slightly quartered away. I need her to take one step to move her leg forward. She does and again, THWACK! She tears out of there. The second pic shows the entry. The arrow went through the top of her heart and both lungs and I still had to track her over 100yds.
Well, Dalmation never showed, but that was Ok because I already had enough to gut and clean. And I will be back to try to get a buck and Dalmation. The season does not end down south till Jan 17th. I took both these animals with my Sarrels Sierra 48#@29", Gold Tip 55/75 arrows, and German Kinetic XL 150gr broadheads.
Here are some pics:

Take it easy and good luck to everyone in 2010,