ya Don i really like the idea of the 2 string grooves you can have 2 different Draw weights in the same bow.
the second bow is not strung so its difficult to tell from the pic
basically the first set of limbs are fixed they do not bend, all they do is provide a solid object for the rubber bands to pull against. The other shorter limbs are pivoted, the string is attached to these in one string grove and the rubber band in another (look closely at the bottom limbs to see)

so there is no working part of the limbs as far as wood bending. Just the energy coming from the rubber bands as you draw the string they start to stretch against front set of limbs. Confused yet?

im not very good at explaining it sorry.
Also if you look close the position of the rubber band can be changed where the rubber band meets the solid front set of limbs. i guess to change the weight.