G'day All,
Today in the mail was a beaut little Grayling K-Mag. It's the fourth bow I've had the pleasure of buying from the classifieds here at TradGang, and the experience has been superb each and every time. Today's K-Mag came from Bill "Michigan Bill" Norman in Texas, and between the two of us, we couldn't figure-out how to ship the bow here. So I asked for help from Steve "Bearbowman" Smith up in Michigan, and Bill was able to send it up to him, and Steve shipped it out to me. So it was quite a run-around, but these two top-notch gentlemen were only too happy to help me out.
A month or two back, I had the pleasure of buying a great little Kodiak Hunter from Bill Sant in Alaska, and he also went to the trouble of figuring-out how to get the bow here, and a marvellous bow it is, too!
Prior to that, I bought my first Bear bow, another little K-Mag, off of "Bearbowman" Steve, one or two years ago, now. This particular little bow has really given the kids in my class a kick, and has helped spark the traditional bowhunting fire in one lad in particular.
And my very first TradGang bow was a BW SA3 from the late Don Collinsworth of Alaska.
So, I'm just very grateful to the fellows I've had the pleasure of buying bows from here. They are all superb gentlemen. Thank you all, Don, Bill, Bill and Steve!