This is a wonderful post.To as you said,answer questions for those that have wondered.
I just think for me i like to keep traditional archery easy.Thats why i think alot of people get into it.When i started into this sport we called it archery.Then with the birth of the compuond now we now call it tradional archery.When i was in my 20's i used a Tim Miegs 47#, wood shafts and a black diamond broadhead.Didnt know the weight of the arrow and never heard it talked about.I harvested lot of big game and never worried i was under equiped.I like everyone,now know my arrow weight,speed of my arrow ect,ect. I now use a 51# @ 31" recurve 515grn. arrow.Thats my set up for everything.
Again,I think its cool that you come up with the numbers to answer so many who have questions.?Thanks to those of you who do.Very enteresting information.