I can truthfully say that I cant shoot my recurve nearly as well as I could my compound back in the day. I used to shoot alot competitively. I can remember getting upset shooting 2" groups at 40 yards, because that was an "off" day for me. Not bragging or anything but I was a really, really good shot. Killed 50+ deer with a compound. And I could put it down and not pick it up for 6 months and within an hour be back shooting almost as well as when I practiced 2 hours a day. It got to where I didnt really enjoy it anymore, the challenge was gone. Now, I struggle with my recurve, but it is like a breath of fresh air. No sights to worry about getting knocked off, no rest to adjust, no constant tuning and tweaking. On bad days with the recurve I know the problem is with me and what is going on between my ears, not my bow. I love the simplicity, the freedom that the recurve gives me. And to my surprise none of my buddies that I used to shoot with back in my wheelie bow days ever give a hard time about it. Sometimes I even think they are a little jealous of the simplicity of trad gear.
I probably just went way off topic with this and if so I apologize. I was just putting in my $0.02 and it sort of spilled out.