It seems that the postal service has "misplaced" my copy of Gene's new book. I ordered Gene's, Barry's, and Mike's new books back in November. I received Mike's book first. Donna, Gene's wife, told me about Barry's problem with his and it may take a while to get it. No problem I said I'll get it when I get it. Well I received Barry's book a while back and was still waiting for Gene's to arrive. No problem. I had been following Gene's hunting threads and knew he was busy. Well I knew it must have been in the hands of our postal people. So I waited on it because I know things can happen and didn't want to jump to any conclusions too fast. I sent Gene a PM stating what was going on. He responded quickly, which I very much appreciate knowing how busy he is. He stated that it was shipped in November and something must have happened in transit. Well Gene is sending me another copy this week. I just wanted to give out a BIG Thank You to Uncle Gene! I don't know anyone who would take care of this like Gene has. So thanks Uncle Gene for taking care of me. If I do end up receiving both books I will be sending the extra one back. I just wanted to publicly say what a great guy you are (not like I really have to) but you are a great guy. Thank you again! Your friend and Brother of the Bow, Brad Davis