We had a couple of Jack Howard bows come through our shop within the last few weeks and my Dad remembered a letter that Jack Howard had sent him while he was still alive. He dug it out.
They are just great bows. It was an absolute joy to read the letter from Jack and read some of his thoughts about Fast Flight strings, and how he makes his bows.
I posted the letters on the blog at RMSgear.com, but you can
click on this link and download the entire letter in a .pdf document. I had to post this here on TradGang because I know how much some of you guys will enjoy reading this.
Anybody else have one of Jack Howard's newsletters that they can share? I would sure love to see more of them.
Here is what my Dad wrote on the blog about Jack Howard.
Over the years I have had the priveledge to meet a lot of the great men and women in traditional archery. Though I never met Jack Howard, I recieved a letter from him in the later years of his life. As you can read in the letter, he was near the end of his bow making days and looking to sell bows outside of his own shop. He sent me this letter along with information about his bows and a newsletter. I just came across this letter as I have had a few of the old Jack Howard bows come through my shop lately. As I write this I just sold a 60# Gamemaster Jet in beautiful condition. It is truly one of the best bows ever made.
One of my biggest regrets over the past 16 years of owning this business is that I didn't sell bows for Jack Howard. At the time I simply did not have the money to stock his bows. It was a shame. Anyway, I am sure that you will get as much joy in reading Jack's words as I did when I came across this package.
You can download the entire package in a .pdf by clicking here, or you can click on the individual pages below to view them in your browser.
-Tom Clum