I was there with my two boys for saturday, and it was awesome.
The Wensels, and Mike Mitten were always swamped with visitors, but we managed a few conversations. True ambassadors for our sport. I already have a copy of Mike`s book, but I picked up the new books by the Wensels. Those guys just make you feel welcome, and you know you are in good company. I assume the ladies at their booth were Gene and Barrys wives. They smiled from their hearts. It made you feel good to stop by their booth.
Eye contact with ANYONE was returned with a smile and a "tip of the hat" so to speak. That part is one of my favorites. EVERYONE is/was a good ambassador for our sport. It`s great to be surrounded by people of that quality!!!
Biggie Hoffman was always surrounded, so without interrupting, I wasn`t able to shake his hand, but as I said, with eye contact, I got a smile and a nod.
A spent as much money as I could afford in support of the vendors, and made it a point to thank them for coming.
Thank you one and all for being who you are. Because of the people you all are, I am proud to call myself a Traditional Bowhunter!!!