I've been thinking of buying a Hill style bow for a while now. I went to the show intending on buying a Northern Mist classic. I went straight to Steve's area and started to ask questions and shot a few of his bows. One in particuler I liked better than the others. I decided to go on a walk about and think the purchase over a little before taking the plunge, when I came across David Miller who had a few of his bows to show. I instantly fell in love with his Ol Tom model. Heck of a nice guy to talk to also. He told of all his methods of making his bows in the true Hill style. To make a long story short I ordered one of his bows. Yew lams, Myrtle wood riser, brown glass on the back and white on the belly. 68" 63#@28" Mr. Miller said it would be 8-12 weeks to get it. I was hoping I could get some of you guys, who own Ol Tom, to post some pictures and describe how well you like it. Thank-You