Of all the places I've hunted, I consider Minnesota to be the worst deer hunting state for a number of reasons, not the least of which is I want to survive hunting seasons...
When I first moved out to ND, I wondered how in the world a guy killed whitetails on the open prairie. How young & ignorant I was....
Getting onto 30 years later, I consider ND to be one of the true great hunting states, not just a great whitetail state. It's just a matter of learning to hunt the cover & read the structure.
Between my wife & I, it's unusual that at least one doesn't arrow a 125"+ 4 point or better buck.
This year it was my turn, my bow buck was a 4x5 that went 136" & change, my rifle buck was a 4 point that went 128"+. After I had filled both those tags and was doe hunting, had a 6 point buck I conservatively estimated in the mid 170's chased a doe by me at 30 yards or so, the biggest buck I've seen on the hoof in the last 18 years. No one got him, either...